Re: [Easytag-mailing] Easytag Album Artist / Custom Field patch


I just found your message in the archive and was happy to see that someone coded album-artist.
I downloaded and applied your patch and it seems to be working here.

Thank you for that. I use Songbird and it needs the album-artist field to prevent compilation albums from showing up with an album cover duplicate for each track. In the past I had to manually add this tag in Songbird but I'm happy that I can now do it in EasyTag during my normal pre-import tag cleanup.

BTW for others who may want to build EasyTag I was rather confused that the default build does not include mp3 support. I had to look several times before realizing it needs "libid3tag" installed but this information is not in the INSTALL readme file. It indicates that


is needed but does not say you also need another library, libid3tag. I am on Ubuntu 9.10 and I don't know if this is different on other systems but certainly here installing one of these libraries is not the same as both. Once I also installed "libid3tag" the mp3 support was enabled.

It would be good if this dependency was also noted in the INSTALL readme file.

Chris :)

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