Re: [Easytag-mailing] Why "mp3 file support disabled"?

On 6/8/06, Ye Xu <ye xu gmx de> wrote:
just installed easytag-devel 1.99.11 on Darwinports, everything just
goes well till after launching the app in terminal "$easytag", when i
browser the tree of directories to where I stored my mp3 files, but on
status bar, it shows "no file found in this directory and
subdirectories!" so no mp3 files displayed in the middle column, when i
turn to Help->About, i found out there are no support for mp3 file?!


I don't know this ports system you are using. Did you compile easytag
yourself? For mp3 support, id3lib and its development files must be
installed. If this is detected at build time, mp3 is enabled.

HTH, Götz

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