[Easytag-mailing] Japanese and english text = problems

It seems that the way EasyTag handles field when there is both English
and Japanese in a field is not top notch. I was happily tagging away and
everything seemed fine. I was finding the albums automatically with the
CD database search which returned me with Japanese track listing and
applied to the directory the music was in and everything was dandy when
checking the files. 

Unfortunately, problems popped-up when I tried using those file in my
favourite music player Amarok. The album I tried to tag not only didn't
display things properly but misplaced information. First of all I will
display the track listing of the album :
album name 
ファイナルファンタジー  V マンボdeチョコボ

Track listing

http://gamerseden.kir.jp/soundtrack/ff/ff5manbo.html (in case something
goes wrong in the mailing-list encoding.

マンボ de チョコボ
飛竜の山 (ゲーム未収録曲)
オープニング・アイディア Version2 (ゲーム未収録曲)
飛空艇 Version2 (ゲーム未収録曲)

Now here is what the tags looked like after saving, changing directory
and coming back in it
Album name
ᅰᄀ녀→ᅰᄀ￳﾿ᄌ? ￞￳ᅵde￁￧삐


Track listing

Now even weirder is the fact that under Amarok, all the titles are
displayed correctly but the first 4 tracks have their album name
replaced with their track number with a 0 in front of it (like 01, 02,
03 and 04)and all their album names are blank but the year,genre and
track number are all correct.

I tried fiddling with the encoding settings but I did not have any
success (tried putting everything in Unicode mostly).

One last thing, in the album CD data base search the album name was
reported incorectly to the tags also as ファイナルファンタジー? マンボ
deチョコボ (notice the ? in the middle).

Could anyone report on what is happening and maybe shed light on how to
make things work.

Thanks a million for this program it saved me countless hours of boring

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