Re: [Easytag-mailing] 16bit id3v2 tags status?

On Wed, Nov 03, 2004 at 06:23:19PM +0100, Jérôme COUDERC wrote:

> The solution would be to migrate to an other library for tagging 
> (taglib, libid3?)

My small analysis (I have to little experience with C programming to be

taglib: It's good, solid, generic (i.e. it can be used to tag FLAC and OGG
files), perfect. It has one big problem: it's C++ and the C bindings seem
to be too generic to be useful. 

libid3: according to the authors, it's a "library for parsing ID3 tags from
files or sections of memory". So it doesn't actually save ID3 tags which
makes it useless.

mplib: ( This library is small and pretty
easy to use. Maybe it cannot use all of the ID3v2 features, I didn't dig
deep enough to check that, but it seems to work for EasyTag needs. Without
any C experience I could successfully create a small program which reads in
a file and changes its title tag's encoding to UTF-8 and writes it back.
And yet, it's in C!

So my conclusion would be to migrate to mplib for MP3s or at least try to.
I'm eager to try to port this one myself, but don't count on me, like I
said, I don't have any C experience and neither do I have any
GTK+-programming experience, so I would be really slow ;)

Nikolai Prokoschenko 
nikolai prokoschenko de / Jabber: pronik jabber org

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