Re: [Easytag-mailing] CDDB support


Ok I understand your problem...

In fact, EasyTAG, was build using a concept of "album". So for him it is easier to process files organized by albums than individually.

So to speak about the CDDB track name list : if you select (for example) the 4th and 10th lines, it will load data to the 4th and 10th files in the "main" list. So you can't set the the 4th line to the 2sd line in the main list. When number of tracks in the two lists isn't the same, it warns you that you may have selected a wrong album.

In you case, you must select the first to do something, but perhaps you don't want to set data of the 1rst line (in CDDB) to the first line in the main list.


Sim wrote:
On Friday 25 April 2003 23:34, Jérôme Couderc wrote:

You can select individually one file (or severals) in the CDDB Track
Name list before pressing the Apply button.
If no line is selected, it processes all the files.

Sorry, but I've been trying to follow these instuctions but when I press Apply I keep getting an error like "The album from CDDB contans 14 files against 1 files in the list! Do you want to continue?"

Maybe I'm doing somethign wrong, but I can't see what - I have just one cddb entry highlighted.

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