Re: Forking and building a new version of dia

I was going thru my email a little too fast and thought I was on the
Inkscape list and responded thusly. Yeah, I've always thought Dia has
some problems, but still maintain the way to approach this client
server Dia would be a separate part, not a fork of the project. And the
way to make Dia better is to pitch in, not to fork it, unless you have
access to ten or so gung-ho developers ready to do the job.


On Mon, 16 Jul 2018 02:52:02 -0400
Steve Litt <slitt troubleshooters com> wrote:

On Tue, 10 Jul 2018 17:15:29 +0100
Marco van Beek <marco 84andahalf com> wrote:


I am a regular user of dia, and am saddened that it is slowly
decaying as a project.  

The opinion of a man whose first post to this list in at least 5 years
asks for others to desert Inkscape and join him in a fork. Not say
"how can I help?", but ask others to desert. And just for the record,
I've never thought of Inkscape as "decaying": It works great for me.

I have an idea that might help create a new version with
functionality not found in any other system.

I have been documenting a fairly large system and realised how
quickly the diagrams will go out of date, just because cables get
moved, and so on.

So it occurred to me that given the xml data format, it should be
reasonably easy to come up with a client-server version, using an
API on a standard LAMP/WAMP server.  

Now you see, what you could have done was offered to add your lampwamp
to the existing Inkscape so it becomes a nice, modular tool. I think
that would have created more interest.

With that in mind, I am happy to put some time into the server side,
using apache to do the authentication,   

Put some time in? You'd better get ready to treat it as almost a
fulltime job: Forks are brutal. I know you wouldn't expect your
co-forkers to carry the load while you just "put some time into".
Would you?

So what do people think? I think we would have to fork the project,
but if it is dying anyway that is often the easiest way to take

I'm not sure how valuable a multiuser Inkscape would be, and of course
if it's stored uncompressed another possibility would be for
everyone to use git on the drawing. But the real problem here is that,
the way you've approached this list on your very first contact, I
doubt you'd be a credible project leader.

Steve Litt
Author: The Key to Everyday Excellence

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