Re: Dia and OSX 10.10

On Mon, Nov 3, 2014 at 10:47 AM, Austin Anderson <austinsawyer hotmail com> wrote:
It seems that Dia is no longer running under 10.10. When I try to run Dia, X11 starts and gives me a normal command prompt, but Dia itself does not run. It simply bounces a few times in the dock and then quits before the prompt opens. Any help would be appreciated!

This DIA binary for Windows and OS X is maintained by

I have written the maintainer of this package 2 times w/o response, yet.

You can download and build latest DIA via Macports without deleting your previous binary and then perform this trick to keep launching from icon. This procedure will emulate the binary package which runs integrated window, etc. Anyway, this works for me until maintainer decides to publish new package for Yosemite, or you can keep using the MacPorts version this way for ever.

  1. Install dia from MacPorts
  2. cd /Applications/
  3. mv dia dia-old
  4. Create dia file from content below (is a simplified version of the original)
  5. chmod 555 dia
  6. rm -Rf ~/.dia*
# Author: Aaron Voisine <aaron voisine org>
# Modifications:
# Jean-Olivier Irisson <jo irisson gmail com>
#       Steffen Macke <sdteffen sdteffen de>

CWD="`(cd \"\`dirname \\\"$0\\\"\`\"; echo \"$PWD\")`"
# e.g. /Applications/
TOP="`dirname \"$CWD\"`"
# e.g. /Applications/

# Brutally add many things to the PATH. If the directories do not exist, they won't be used anyway. 
# People should really use ~/.macosx/environment.plist to set environment variables as explained by Apple:
# but since no one does, we correct this by making the 'classic' PATH additions here:
# /usr/local/bin which, though standard, doesn't seem to be in the PATH
# newer python as recommended by MacPython
# Fink
# MacPorts (former DarwinPorts)
# LaTeX distribution for Mac OS X
#export PATH="/usr/texbin:/opt/local/bin:/sw/bin/:/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/Current/bin:/usr/local/bin:$CWD:$PATH"

# Check for X11
if [[ "" == $DISPLAY ]]; then
  export DISPLAY=:0
startx=`which startx`
if [[ "" == $startx ]]; then
 if [[ ! -e /opt/X11/bin/startx ]]; then
   osascript -e 'tell app "System Events" to display dialog "X11 (XQuartz) is not installed or not running. Would you like to visit now in order to download and install XQuartz?" with icon 0'
   if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then
osascript -e 'tell app "XQuartz" to launch'
for i in `seq 1 30`; do
  if [[ `ps aux | grep -v grep | grep startx | wc -l` -lt 1 ]]; then
    sleep 1
if [[ "$DISPLAY" =~ "/tmp" ]]; then
  if [[ ! -e $DISPLAY ]]; then
    export DISPLAY=:0

# Setup PYTHONPATH to use python modules shipped with Dia
PYTHON_VERS=`python -V 2>&1 | cut -c 8-10`
export PYTHONPATH="$TOP/python/site-packages/$ARCH/$PYTHON_VERS"
# NB: we are only preprending some stuff to the default python path so if the directory does not exist it should not harm the rest

# No longer required if path rewriting has been conducted.
export DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH="/opt/local/lib"

#export DIA_BASE_PATH="$TOP"
#export DIA_LIB_PATH="$TOP/dia"
#export DIA_SHEET_PATH="$TOP/sheets"
#export DIA_SHAPE_PATH="$TOP/shapes"
#export DIA_XSLT_PATH="$TOP/xslt"
#export DIA_LOCALE_PATH="$TOP/share/locale"

mkdir -p "${HOME}/.dia-etc"

#export FONTCONFIG_PATH="$TOP/etc/fonts"
#export PANGO_RC_FILE="$HOME/.dia-etc/pangorc"
#export GTK_IM_MODULE_FILE="$HOME/.dia-etc/gtk.immodules"
#export GDK_PIXBUF_MODULE_FILE="$HOME/.dia-etc/gdk-pixbuf.loaders"
#export XDG_DATA_DIRS="$TOP/share"

# Handle the case where the directory storing Dia has special characters
# ('#', '&', '|') in the name.  These need to be escaped to work properly for 
# various configuration files.
ESCAPEDTOP=`echo "$TOP" | sed 's/#/\\\\\\\\#/' | sed 's/&/\\\\\\&/g' | sed 's/|/\\\\\\|/g'`

# Set GTK theme (only if there is no .gtkrc-2.0 in the user's home)
if [[ ! -e "$HOME/.gtkrc-2.0" ]]; then
# Appearance setting
aquaStyle=`defaults read "Apple Global Domain" AppleAquaColorVariant 2>/dev/null`
# 1 for aqua, 6 for graphite, inexistant if the default color was never changed
if [[ "$aquaStyle" == "" ]]; then
aquaStyle=1 # set aqua as default

# Highlight Color setting
hiliColor=`defaults read "Apple Global Domain" AppleHighlightColor 2>/dev/null`
# a RGB value, with components between 0 and 1, also inexistant if it was not changed
if [[ "$hiliColor" == "" ]]; then
hiliColor="0.709800 0.835300 1.000000" # set blue as default

# Menu items color
if [[ aquaStyle -eq 1 ]]; then
menuColor="#4a76cd" # blue
menuColor="#7c8da4" # graphite
# Format highlight color as a GTK rgb value
hiliColorFormated=`echo $hiliColor | awk -F " " '{print "\\\{"$1","$2","$3"\\\}"}'`

# echo $menuColor
# echo $hiliColorFormated

# Modify the gtkrc
# - with the correct colors
# - to point to the correct scrollbars folder
sed 's/OSX_HILI_COLOR_PLACEHOLDER/'$hiliColorFormated'/g' "$DIA_SHAREDIR/themes/CL/gtk-2.0/pre_gtkrc" | sed 's/OSX_MENU_COLOR_PLACEHOLDER/\"'$menuColor'\"/g' | sed 's/AQUASTYLE_PLACEHOLDER/'$aquaStyle'/g' | sed 's|${THEMEDIR}|'"$ESCAPEDTOP/themes/CL/gtk-2.0|g" > "${HOME}/.dia-etc/gtkrc"

export GTK2_RC_FILES="$HOME/.dia-etc/gtkrc"

# If the AppleCollationOrder preference doesn't exist, we fall back to using
# the AppleLocale preference.
LANGSTR=`defaults read .GlobalPreferences AppleCollationOrder 2>/dev/null`
if [ "x$LANGSTR" == "x" ]
    echo "Warning: AppleCollationOrder setting not found, using AppleLocale." 1>&2
    LANGSTR=`defaults read .GlobalPreferences AppleLocale 2>/dev/null | \
            sed 's/_.*//'`

# NOTE: Have to add ".UTF-8" to the LANG since omitting causes Dia
#       to crash on startup in locale_from_utf8().
echo "Setting Language: $LANG" 1>&2

#sed 's|${HOME}|'"$HOME|g" "$TOP/etc/pango/pangorc" > "${HOME}/.dia-etc/pangorc"
#sed 's|${CWD}|'"$ESCAPEDTOP|g" "$TOP/etc/pango/pango.modules" \
#    > "${HOME}/.dia-etc/pango.modules"
#cp -f "$TOP/etc/pango/pangox.aliases" "${HOME}/.dia-etc/"
#sed 's|${CWD}|'"$ESCAPEDTOP|g" "$TOP/etc/gtk-2.0/gtk.immodules" \
#    > "${HOME}/.dia-etc/gtk.immodules"
#sed 's|${CWD}|'"$ESCAPEDTOP|g" "$TOP/etc/gtk-2.0/gdk-pixbuf.loaders" \
#    > "${HOME}/.dia-etc/gdk-pixbuf.loaders"

#exec "$CWD/dia-bin" --integrated
exec "/opt/local/bin/dia" --integrated


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