Re: Does everyone make large objects, or is it just how I am using Dia?

Thank you, Andrey!

I wondered why all the objects come in at the same size, since I need some different sizes. I was amazed to see your Sector object come in larger than the others. Surprise!  I had not seen that in any other samples.

-- dunn

On 07/27/2014 01:40 AM, Andrey Repin wrote:
Greetings, dunn!

What I really don't think I'll figure out from the samples is the
'xmlns=' part, because I have no samples of what should be there.
Just leave the first two lines as they are.
They define the file as XML, and specify the root element of the shape/sheet.

I suppose I'll lose the xml namespace and the duplicate shape 
definitions. I only ask such things because I don't want to go back and 
change the files I create because I didn't know the obvious.
I can show a simple shape I've created myself. Practically by hands.
Here. Hope that'll help you start.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<shape xmlns="" xmlns:svg="">
  <name>Hazeron - Binary Stars</name>
    <point x="0" y="0" main="yes"/>
  <aspectratio type="fixed"/>
  <textbox x1="-1.35" y1="-0.9" x2="1.65" y2="1.1" align="center" resize="no" style="fill: background; fill-opacity: 127;"/>
    <svg:circle style="fill: background; fill-opacity: 170; stroke: foreground; stroke-width: 0.75;" cx="-0.75" cy="-0.75" r="0.75"/>
    <svg:circle style="fill: background; fill-opacity: 255; stroke: foreground; stroke-width: 1;" cx="0.15" cy="0.15" r="1.35"/>

I've attached a complete set of shapes with a sheet, though they are rather
crude, I haven't had enough time to polish them to the production quality.

Andrey Repin (anrdaemon freemail ru) 27.07.2014, <12:36>

Sorry for my terrible english...

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