Export / paper size problem


Thanks to Steffen I learned how to export images like:

dia my.dia -e my.svg
dia my.dia -e my.pdf

The exported images my.svg and my.pdf are intended to be included into other documents (docbook 5). Problem: 
I cannot
limmit the bounding box. The only option I've found so far is Dia's File-Page setup menu. This allows to set 
predefined paper sizes all of them being ways too large. And there seems to be no way limiting the exported 
graphic to
the minmal bounding box. So when embedding these images there will invariably appear a vast amount of 
unwanted padding.

Regards, Martin

Martin Goik  Tel.  +49-711-8923-2164  http://www.HdM-Stuttgart.de/~goik
GnuPG public key: https://www.hdm-stuttgart.de/~goik/goik.asc

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