Re: All-in-one window option (--integrated)

Greetings, Michael Ross!

Top posting fixed, see answer below.

I upgraded last week my pc to windows seven and after reinstalling Dia, it
is not in all-in-one window mode ( --integrated ) as previously.
When I open a windows terminal and type the dia.exe --integrated, it works.

Now I want that when I double clic a dia file, it opens it in a all-in-one
dia window.

I have tried to add the option in the file extension association table,
but it doesn't accept the --integrated.

Sometimes I want integrated and I simply edit the shortcut I use to start
Dia to add the --integrated
Then I delete it from the shortcut when I get tired of it.

No open console windows are involved.

Do you know how to edit a shortcut icon in its property window?  If you
need instructions I will give them.

Editing Dia shortcut doesn't change the way Dia start when opening a document.

Andrey Repin (anrdaemon freemail ru) 24.10.2013, <02:53>

Sorry for my terrible english...

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