Re: How to change the UML line width attribute ?

On Thu, May 2, 2013 at 11:26 AM, Maxime Lecoq <maxime lecoq a wanadoo fr> wrote:

I'm using Dia for making UML diagrams. I did success in changing the line
width of an UML class : double click on it (it opens its properties window),
go to the style panel and change the line width attribute (still wrote in
english in my french version by the way). This works good. Now, I would like
to do the same thing with line beetween 2 classes (inheritance,
implementation...). When I double click on a line (or do a right click and
select properties), there is no line width attribute... How could I do ?

No can do in the associations currently. Since the primitive lines are
able to do this, my guess is that you could hack the UML sheet and add
this attribute and possibly contribute it back to the project as a


Alejandro Imass

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