Re: Question about Dia

On Wed, Apr 24, 2013 at 12:08 PM, Daniel Trujillo Viedma
<danihacker viedma gmail com> wrote:
Hi guys!!

Firstly, thank you for that great software.

I have a trouble. I'm trying to do a UML diagram, which has a class that
contains a lot of references (like the "object" class in this example:
and I need to know: Is there any way to keep all these lines attached to the
class?, or I can only attach lines to the points specified in the rectangle?

Yep, you can only connect to the connection points on the classes. On
some element you can add extra connection points (e.g. the basic line
primitive) but not on the UML class. Tip: the UML class will create a
new connection point on each side for each attribute or method.

If you are going to post-process your diagrams, say for example to
create SQL DDL from UML classes using dia2code then you must take care
of creating correct associations so the foreign keys and indexes
generate correctly. Note that FK relationships are akin to UML
associations not aggregations or compositions.


Alejandro Imass

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