Re: How to modify text?

(I beleive this is new since version 0.97; I hope you undestand my English)
"Edit text" is a tool  whis is available:
   1) Just after creating an object (icon) accepting text;
   2) when you choose the tool  with Tools-> Edit test
       or from pricipal Dia menu the .... second tool
   It works  wiht all other icons accepting  test.
This tool is "lost" if
    a)) we click on an icon not accepying text
    b)  we pulse Esc key
    c) we choose another tool

loli unsa edu ar
Dolores Alia gmail com
On 3/9/12, Chris Green <cl isbd net> wrote:
This seems a very silly/simple question but I can't work out the answer.
How do you edit text objects after creating them?

Either double clicking or right clicking on a text object brings up its
Properties but that doesn't allow you to edit the text.

Chris Green
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