Re: export/import custom colors

At 01.08.2012 03:01, nomnex wrote:
Custom colors question:

I use Freemind (mindmap software), the custom colors are stored in
a .xml file [patterns.xml] in the profile directory.

They are easy portable. I simply copy&past the file in a new profile
directory on another machine.

How about DIA? I have set 42 custom colors in DIA. I need to install
DIA another notebook. How do I import the custom colors in the new

I have looked in /usr/share/dia, and in my home .dia directory, but no

The color menu settings are saved in the file $(HOME)/.dia/persistence
together with a lot of other things like recent files etc.

-------- Hans "at" Breuer "dot" Org -----------
Tell me what you need, and I'll tell you how to
get along without it.                -- Dilbert

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