Re: Grid Snap

I only recall one program that figures out all the reasonable locations for snapping and that is LabVIEW and only with text.  They have an algorithm that decides about nine positions for text block snapping around an icon.  You can do that with something as regular as a text block.  

On the other hand, the shapes in Dia are custom made by people who actually use them and who are presumably happy with how they work.  There is all manner of irregularity throughout all the palettes/sheets.  In that context the Align functions are really very handy.  I am not a programmer, but picking the center for snapping is as arbitrary as the upper left corner - so what to choose?  Someone will always be disappointed.

On Tue, Sep 20, 2011 at 6:24 AM, Ale Strooisma <alestrooisma gmx net> wrote:
Thanks, this definitely helps. Since what I was looking for seems not to exist in Dia, I'll use this.

I guess the ideal solution would if this could automatically happen when moving objects, so objects snapping to each other. That would snap an object when its center is on the same line(parallel to one of the grid axes) as an other object and when its top is on the same horizontal line as the top of another object, etc.
I know some other programs do have this feature, it would be great if Dia also had.

Kind regards, Ale

On 09/19/2011 08:58 PM, Michael Ross wrote:
You can pick any disparate group of items and use Objects Align Middle.  That is actually more productive than trying to snap them to grid and jogging back and forth with the cursor keys to get them just so.

On Mon, Sep 19, 2011 at 2:15 PM, Ale Strooisma <alestrooisma gmx net> wrote:

I've been using dia for a while now, but always found it hard to get everything lined-up nicely. Is it possible to snap an objects center to the grid? This would make it much easier to get a clear layout than snapping the topleft corner.

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Michael E. Ross
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