Re: Line pointed to center of circle


Regarding your discussion of blocks, do you mean a group? 

I recall some odd behavior with lines and groups, as if Dia remembered the old location after a move.  I have stopped using the anti-aliasing since then, I can't think of why else this has stopped being a problem.  

I don't think I can reproduce the trouble.

When a line is in a group it becomes static.

Karel said:

The line is snapped to center as long as mouse button is pressed, but after release mouse button the line skip from circle center to border regardless of snap option (this is not due to the line is not visible, because in my try circle background was off).

This is the same behavior I was referring to.  When you are placing the line on the circle it shows the whole line, but when you release it the part of the line from the border to the center is invisible.  If you move the circle the line clearly is attached at the center, it moves around the circumference rather than being attached to a connection point on the circumference.  This is nice if you want to put some text of other item inside the circle, and not see the ray behind it.

You are asking for a behavior that is common in a CAD program where lines are snapped to the center and remain visible.

There are 8 attachment points on the border of an ellipse or circle where the major and minor axes are located.  You can attach a line to them and to the center, and it will remain visible.

On Mon, Sep 19, 2011 at 8:37 AM, Kaminar <Kaminar seznam cz> wrote:
> It never hurts to mention which version of Dia you are using and the OS.

I tried it in Dia 0.97.1 in Ubuntu 10.04. But described behaviour I observed in previous Dia version too.

> With object snap turned on.
> If you create an ellipse and set it to be a circle, and turn the back ground
> off,
> then draw a line to it,  the line will snap to the center, but the line is
> not visible within the circle.

The line is snapped to center as long as mouse button is pressed, but after release mouse button the line skip from circle center to border regardless of snap option (this is not due to the line is not visible, because in my try circle background was off).

> If you want to draw a line that is a visible ray from the center of the
> circle,
> Dia does not do this with snapping and connection,
> thus when you move the circle the visible ray is left behind.

I didn't mind moving only circle alone. I have minded the moving of selected block, which covers circle and line together. After moving circle and line together, the line point skips from center to border of circle. It seems like unwanted behaviour, because it changes objects inside selected block after move.

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