
It never hurts to mention which version of Dia you are using and the OS.

I tried it in Dia 0.97.1 in Ubuntu 10.04. But described behaviour I observed in previous Dia version too.

With object snap turned on.
If you create an ellipse and set it to be a circle, and turn the back ground
then draw a line to it,  the line will snap to the center, but the line is
not visible within the circle.

The line is snapped to center as long as mouse button is pressed, but after release mouse button the line 
skip from circle center to border regardless of snap option (this is not due to the line is not visible, 
because in my try circle background was off).

If you want to draw a line that is a visible ray from the center of the
Dia does not do this with snapping and connection,
thus when you move the circle the visible ray is left behind.

I didn't mind moving only circle alone. I have minded the moving of selected block, which covers circle and 
line together. After moving circle and line together, the line point skips from center to border of circle. 
It seems like unwanted behaviour, because it changes objects inside selected block after move.


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