Re: Margins

Tech Support Department (2011-07-21 18:16):
> Actually, the user can most certainly draw outside the margins as well as the page borders. That's the whole problem.
> If on the other hand, one cannot draw outside margins, as was pointed out, because they don't exist on the canvas, that would be entirely different. In that case, one might like to see such a simple sentence in the help section. Maybe something like "It is impossible to draw outside margins because they do not exist on the canvas". And maybe "Only page breaks are shown". Of course that leaves the odd behavior of minus so many units of measure to the left and top. That is where it is useless regardless of any of the rest of it.
> The program cannot properly show "full page", zoom to margin width, zoom to page width or zoom to two page view, based upon the chosen page size and type. Remember that one's ability to zoom in Dia is restricted by the viewer's expectations of what they are seeing on the canvas. If the canvas has no relationship to standard practices, it remains counter-productive to the process. One can possibly learn to work around it, but it isn't easy.
> Also, I could find no directions on how to set the rulers to inches. Most things I've read say that is not possible.
> Further, what is a "segmented plot"? I don't have a plotter, so does that help me on my printer?
> The fact remains that Dia, although very useful, has a non-standard way of addressing pages. It forces users into doing things in a manner different from thirty years of practice.

Seriously? You can draw through pages in most vector programs I know (if not all) as a page is only a physical concept. In Inkscape page is only a suggestion as is in Adobe Flash (things might get cut out of view but they are still there). In diagramming programs like MS Visio, MS SQL Server (DB diagram designer), Rational Rose and EA Sparx pages are not even shown (or at least not by default). The page concept is more appropraite for printing the diagram only. Even in MS Word and OOo Writer you can use Web layout.

You've used the word "canvas". Maybe this is problem. You seem to be expecting behaviour of raster picture programs as the canvas is a concept used in those programs. You should probably read more about vector graphics and maybe then you will be more accustomed with the concepts used in Dia.


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