Re: [UI] Sheets and Objects dialog

While I have not commented before, I am a frequent user of dia, mostly for quick mechanical sketches
and for electronics schematics.  In my use I find it convenient to alter the content of symbol groupings
on existing sheets, and I have added my own custom sheets and custom symbols for specific application
focus (i.e. Hydraulics and PCB Layout).  Since I am a Linux based user of dia, I find it convenient to add
sheets, and symbols for those sheets, in the .dia directory of my login page.  This keeps everything
clean and well organized so that I know where my own locally generated symbols and sheets reside.

There are a few things that get complaints from actual and/or potential users of dia.
  1. There is no "rotation" feature like there is in Visio and many similar diagram editors.

  2. Some fonts have their lower going tails truncated, and on most fonts the right-most character
    is cut off on the right side unless an additional blank space is added to the text string.  The latte

  3. Once a set of objects have been "grouped" the size of this group cannot be altered unless one
    un-groups the group and adjusts size of individual components before re-grouping.
Recent upgrades of dia (micro-movement using arrow keys, etc.) have increased ease-of-use
and thus increased it's value and popularity.  Keep up the excellent work on dia.  It is good now,
but there is always room for improvements.

For those who have not yet found the information, the Additional Shapes Library addition is a
valuable and very useful toolbox for dia users.  It is located at:


The "diashapes" tool is an easy to use and convenient way to download and install new shape libraries.
What seems to be missing from the shapes library page is instructions for making your own custom
shapes and a convenient way to submit those to the dia developers for possible availability via
this web page.

On 07/16/2010 03:34 AM, Carlo Calderoni wrote:
+1 vote for favorites sheet from me too.

Why mixing shapes from different sheets? If you use the diagram for generating code or other tasks (not only for drawing), can be very useful not having to switch from sheet to sheet. In same diagram you can have a network schema and a little class that will generate some C++ code  that every night will do checks or "what you want": everyone can see the network and what will be done on it ;-) .

2010/7/16 Asbjørn A. <asbjorn fellinghaug com>
James McDonald:
> >To make it short, I think it would be more useful for 99% of users to move to a
> >fast bookmarking system (like right click>  Add to favorites with a "Custom"
> >sheet) instead of customizing system sheets. I think manipulating system sheets
> >is just not useful: what is the point of putting UML shapes in Network, really?
> +1 vote. This is a great idea .... Going into sheets and objects to
> make your own custom sheet works but then you have to remember where
> the favourite shape is and then add it.

+1 vote from me too, this is a feature I would definitly want :)

Asbjørn A. Fellinghaug
asbjorn fellinghaug com
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