Re: [UI] Sheets and Objects dialog

Quoting Steffen Macke <sdteffen gmail com>:

Hi Stef,

Please excuse, if the moderaton takes some time. It's holiday season :-)
no pbm, I have a patch on hold so I do not want to work on it further because I
prefer thinking a bit on the overall picture. That's why I was eager to receive
comments on my thoughts :)

I think that anyone who wants to do serious Dia developmemt should be
on the mailing list. And the sheets and objects dialogue is definitely

For use cases and requirements: Have you checked the mailing list
archives and Bugzilla already? If you have problems locating things,
let us know.
I've looked through the wiki, mailing archives and b.g.o without any success
yet. Maybe I missed a mailing-list post?

Custom sheets do not require any new sheets, they could be simply a
new combination of existing shapes. Dia already ships an extensive
library of shapes, but users might want to combine exactly those
shapes that they need. Think of the Cisco and networking shapes:
Usually you'll use a selection across several sheets.
Exchanging sheets is already possible: Simply copy the sheet file to
your ~/.dia/sheets folder.
ok, that's what I thought, so I suppose what you describe is encompassed by my
use cases.

If that's too complicated for your users, I would suggest that you
have a look at the diashapes tool and the Dia Shape Repository:
I'm *am* the user already :)

To make it short, I think it would be more useful for 99% of users to move to a
fast bookmarking system (like right click> Add to favorites with a "Custom"
sheet) instead of customizing system sheets. I think manipulating system sheets
is just not useful: what is the point of putting UML shapes in Network, really?

If this is interesting the main maintainer, then I'll finish/change my patch to
do so. Contributing to FOSS is expensive in terms of time when you're not a
student anymore, so I do not want to go further if this feature is not wanted at

I'm sorry I didn't answer all your questions - holiday season :-)
hey, it's summer, but still ... ;)

thanks for the support,



On 7/14/10, demurgets free fr <demurgets free fr> wrote:

I subscribed to this list because I sent a complete mail on the 3td this
and it still not have been moderated.
I'd like to make a couple of UI enhancements to Dia, and before that,
use of deprecated Gtk widgets.

I started with GtkComboBox and took quite some time to port the Sheets and
Objects dialog located in the File menu.
I stopped halfway to just think if the dialog could be improved first.

So, first things first, I'd like to know the use cases of this dialog:
    - is it useful to customize system sheets? maybe to reduce the number of
    - is this to add personal items to them? because the problem is you can
shapes to Network for instance, which just defeats the purpose of the
    - adding new type of sheets? but how to remove them?

This involves a lot of code, including a startup warning dialog if the
sheet is newer and if you want to overwrite your local customizations.
I'd like to improbe the UI in light of removing deprecated widgets.

So the use cases seem to be:
    - creating custom sheets
    - customizing system sheets
    - adding/removing custom shapes

If I'm not mistaken, customizing system sheets should be ruled-out, even if
are a lot of items.
Creating custom sheets is nice, but you need to write shape files.

Wouldn't it make it simpler to have:
    - some sort of bookmarks (a la Firefox) lying in this dialog first *and*
accessible from a popup in the palette directly to quickly bookmark an item
    - the bookmarks go in a unique "Custom" sheet (ideally always visible)
    - when you have 1+ bookmark, you automatically get this "Custom" sheet

Anyway what's the point of creating your own sheets if you need .shape
That means you'll need to edit XML at some point.
If users want to create sheets, they can edit them using XML, the DTD is
For exchanging sheets, maybe it would be better
to propose an option to import a sheet you got from the Internet for

flames, suggestions, what are your opinion on that?

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