Re: Diashapes 0.2.2 released


On 08/27/2010 09:54 PM, Roland Stigge wrote:
I just put it into the next revision of dia in Debian, upload it and a
few hours later everyone running Debian sid will have it available. ;-)

Let's try to assess how many more users this will enable to install
additional shapes:

* It's the difference between the number Debian users that would be able
to copy the contents of a zip file to the right location and the ones
running Debian sid

My guess is that this number is close to zero, because Debian users are

* Compare this to the number of users running Dia on Windows able to
deploy the zip file contents vs. the number of users being able to
operate Diashapes (should match the number of Dia users on Windows).

In this case my guess is that the number is a high percentage of the
number of Dia users on Windows.

Alternatives: Just write this little tool that plugs Microsoft update
into Debian sid for this purpose :-)

To be en par with Diashapes in terms of granularity, of course, you
would have to package every single sheet in it's own package - it that
what you would like to do? If that's the case, I should split up the
dia-additional-shapes package into individual sheets.



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