Re: Dia as a State Mechine Editor

At 02.09.2009 18:55, Jacob Arthur wrote:
I basically want a way to generate some simple c++ code based on the
diagram, would this be better done in the source or with a python plug-in?
There are currently two code henerating export filters for Dia. One using xslt [1], the other one implemented as PyDia plug-in [2].

But depending on your language skills, there should be nothing stopping you to implment one as export filter in C as well. Allmost all exporters to graphic formats are implemented as Dia plug-in (cgm, dxf, hpgl, ...)

For the task at hand I would choose PyDia.



-------- Hans "at" Breuer "dot" Org -----------
Tell me what you need, and I'll tell you how to
get along without it.                -- Dilbert

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