Re: Add mockup toolset?

At 18.05.2009 16:11, Herbert Grunwald wrote:
Hi, Dia is excellent, but a feature that could be easily added and
would boost Dia usage a lot is to add a mockup toolset.
Thanks, but aren't you a bit exaggerating the use of mockups?

Lately, Balsamiq Mockups have gained attention,
Not by me, but maybe your post ist meant to be advertizing that
commercial product ;) At least it has made me look at

Getting that "hand-drawn" look into Dia would be quite a job I think,
if the rest "could be easily added" solely depends if the job is just
to define some special shapes.
Or if it - as I expect - also involves some special adaptions to the workflow. I'm doing most of my mockups still by hand on a sheet of paper, and have no idea what additional shapes would be useful for allowing to do mockups with Dia.

but their product is less
flexible than Dia, so there's an excellent opportunity for gaining
some general acceptance.
How would some very specific feature "gain general acceptance"?

If I would need to do mockups with predefined shapes my first stop would be a dedicated resource editor - depending on the toolkit. For Gtk+ it would be Glade as suggested by

AFAICS it's also rather easy to add the
required bits to Dia.

Feel free to provide a patch. Or maybe some more detailed requirements analysis first ;)


-------- Hans "at" Breuer "dot" Org -----------
Tell me what you need, and I'll tell you how to
get along without it.                -- Dilbert

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