Re: hyperlinks

Avi, this would be awesome! Then, for me, no more need for Visio, i.e., Microsoft. :-) As I said earlier, I use Visio to write science fiction novels, to lay them out and hyperlink them to Word Perfect documents that I can open up on the spot. So, it's THE feature I need for laying out and writing novels.

I also use the layers of Visio to keep track of characters, settings, development of the world . . . all hyperlinked to WordPerfect where the actual information resides.

Keeping it in Visio, I can move everything around, visually, without effecting its contents, i.e., the information in WordPerfect.


avijit ghosh wrote:
This would be of *tremendous* use to us. At the very least an extension to
the shape modules such that a link field is there for custom objects. If
someone can point me in the proper direction, I'll try and code this up (or
try and con someone into coding this in for me :))


On 6/25/09 10:12 AM, "W. Martin Borgert" <debacle debian org> wrote:

Quoting ZG <zeee3000 gmail com>:
I cannot find hyperlink capability.  Does it exist?  Am I missing it?
This issue has been discussed on the list, but I don't think somebody
actually implemented it. Would be cool.

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