Re: hyperlinks

I use Visio to write science fiction novels. I create boxes in the main document, which have chapters titles, that I hyperlink to WordPerfect document where the actual chapters are. So when I click on the Visio box, I open the WordPerfect document.

It's a way I found I can manage an entire novel.

Anyway, need a replacement for Visio if I am to go Linux, which is what I'm looking to do (just can't stand Windows problems any longer), and Dia looks exactly perfect except for the hyperlinks, which I */really/ *need.

So . . . hyperlinks in Dia would be terrific!! :-)

Thank you!


W. Martin Borgert wrote:
Quoting ZG <zeee3000 gmail com>:
I cannot find hyperlink capability.  Does it exist?  Am I missing it?

This issue has been discussed on the list, but I don't think somebody
actually implemented it. Would be cool.

W. Martin Borgert wrote:
Quoting ZG <zeee3000 gmail com>:
I cannot find hyperlink capability.  Does it exist?  Am I missing it?

This issue has been discussed on the list, but I don't think somebody
actually implemented it. Would be cool.

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