Re: Building from SVN

At 13.01.2009 04:34, Young, Robert wrote:
I've been trying to build the latest dia from SVN on Open Suse 10.1
The INSTALL file doesn't exactly reflect the current requirements, and
I've found the following problems along the way:

Intltool >= 0.35 is required

see ;)

Objects/standard/image.c needed a #include <time.h> to compile.

Is dragged in by GLib if that is new enough (the lowest version I'm testing is Glib-2.10.3 on Ubuntu Dapper (6.06).

gtkwrapbox (and friends) require g_slice_* functions which don't appear
in glib until version 2.10. Unfortunately this is more difficult to fix.
I notice that both this, and the change from gtk_object_ref/sink to
g_object_ref_sink are part of the GTK_DISABLE_DEPRECATED work. I have
changed the code so that it will compile and run. Is there an imperative
to move to Glib 2.10?

How hard would it be for you to update to Glib-2.10 (no need to do an update of gtk+-2.0 I think)? That cobination is what was available for e.g. "Nokia 770 OS2006" and looks like a reasonable minimal requirement.

> Should I submit a patch for the these changes?
Comments on you patches in bugzilla.

Other than these, it's looking good.

Thanks for checking.

-------- Hans "at" Breuer "dot" Org -----------
Tell me what you need, and I'll tell you how to
get along without it.                -- Dilbert

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