Create a sheet with predefined objects


I would like to know if it's possible to add some parameters to an object inside a sheet by editing the xml file.
I explain : I want to add a STATE button inside my sheet but i want this state add a specific name or others attributes.

For exemple :
This a sheet file :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<sheet xmlns="">
<!--Dia-Version: 0.96.1-->
<!--Fichier : d:\Documents and Settings\s0019218\.dia\sheets\SCXML.sheet-->
<!--Date : Mon Apr 20 14:49:31 2009-->
<!--Pour : s0019218-->

<!--ajoutez des formes ici-->
<object name="UML - State"><description>State</description></object>
<object name="UML - Transition"><description>Transition</description></object>
<object name="UML - State Term"><description>Initial/end state</description></object>
<object name="UML - Note"><description>Note</description></object></contents></sheet>

And this what I whant to do : (to specify an entry action to my state)

<!--ajoutez des formes ici-->
<object name="UML - State"><description>State</description><dia:attribute name="entry_action">

<object name="UML - Transition"><description>Transition</description></object>
<object name="UML - State Term"><description>Initial/end state</description></object>
<object name="UML - Note"><description>Note</description></object></contents></sheet>

Do you understand my problem ?

Thanks, David.

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