Re: Serious Frustration With Dia

Note to Steffen: Would you consider including this explanation on the
dia-installer home page? The "Requirements" section is a bit terse,
and doesn't answer the questions that beg to be asked: "What do I do
if I am stuck with Windows 9x"? and "Why can't you do something about
that?" :)

On 9/9/08, Chuck <TravellerFan rochester rr com> wrote:

Is this version of Dia the wrong one for Windows 98 SE? Do I need an older
version of Dia?

The project site for the Dia windows installer says that the current
version will not run on Windows 9x, as you can see here:

So basically you will have to download an installer for Dia version
0.94 ... It's available on the sourceforge website at this link:

I think the installer for 0.94 provided on this page will work
correctly. It probably also contains the appropriate GTK+ libraries
that get mentioned everywhere.

If so, is this something which has to be "compiled"?

Unfortunately, compiling won't work. The problem is in the GTK+
libraries, and not Dia. The current version of Dia requires a current
version of GTK+, which no longer works on Windows 9x, ME, etc. More
information is seen here:

So basically, anyone using Windows 9x can't upgrade Dia to any version
above 0.94.

Research Scholar, Department of CSE, IIT Bombay

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