Re: New Roadmap?

On May 13, 2008, at 2:20 PM, Fred Morcos wrote:

I looked around and found an interesting topic: Auto-layouting. It
seems like it's only a discussion so far, has any work been done in
this field for Dia? Would it be welcome even if not based on Dot (from

Do you mean autolayout of all objects or of individual lines? If the latter, I would love to see a better version (and I wrote the current one, so I should know:). My suggestion would be to look at the current one until you understand it, then replace it totally with something better.

If the former, it would also be very welcome - it would be better to not have a dependency on Graphviz. I was actually having some ideas in that direction just this morning, since I ended up with a huge DB diagram with no layout and had to do it all by hand yesterday.

Feel free to mail me or the list with any questions you may have about the currently implemented autorouting and for feedback on ideas.


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