Re: dia-svn: "make install" behaves inappropiate

On Mon, Jun 23, 2008 at 02:02:57PM +0200, stefan-husmann t-online de wrote:


since a few days the svn sources baehave inappropiate if I try to create
a package for distribution. The "make install" step seems not to be
aware of a --DESTDIR=.. switch or something fulfilling a similar task

./configure --prefix /home/me/dia_test
make install

However, revisions from #4070 to #4075 are broken -- my fault.
(Hans, I apologize for the errors, and now works on 3 copies
at a time: trunk, working and build, with systematics rdiffs
and many tests).

Will post a patch as soon as I'll finished my 
builds/installs/unininstalls tests, carefully read the patch
and written changelog...

Thomas Harding

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