Re: some quetsions about features and plugins

2008/6/10 Marleine Daoud <marleine gmail com>:

\me delurks.

I would like to develop a plugin for Dia that would explore diagrams with
the help of filtering, highlighting and searching shapes based on certain

I don't know about others, but I would be very excited to see such a
feature in Dia. And personally I would like to see it developed as a
core part of Dia itself ... not just a plugin. There are many uses for
such a system.

1) The first that comes to mind is changing the properties of some
objects. Imagine being able to select "all red lines" and then making
them dotted, for example!

2) This would also be useful for improving the properties dialog ...
in its current state, the dialog becomes mostly useless if you try to
change the properties of a large number of different objects. The box
could have buttons that show objects grouped by different criteria,
and allow the user to change properties for these selected subsets.

Research Scholar, Department of CSE, IIT Bombay

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