[Fwd: Dia is awesome!]

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From nathan vany gmail com  Wed Dec 10 07: 21:01 2008
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Date: Tue, 9 Dec 2008 04:51:48 -0500
From: "Nathan Van Ymeren" <nathan vany gmail com>
To: lars raeder dk
Subject: Dia is awesome!
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Hi Lars

Not sure if you are the person I should be emailing about this but hopefully
you don't mind.

I just recently started using Dia for a project I'm working on, and I've
found Dia to be a very helpful tool that has saved me a lot of work.  This
link ( http://il2.na85.ca/img/robocircuit.png ) is a circuit diagram created
in Dia that represents a complete electrical system for a robot I designed
for my 4th-year undergraduate mechatronics course.

I also have found Dia to be very flexible and have been creating custom
shapes based on US FM 1-02 Operational Terms and Graphics.  I play a combat
flight simulator called IL2 Sturmovik and am currently competing in an
"online war" known as Forgotten Skies.  In this war two teams (Allies and
Axis) battle eachother in semi-historical World War 2 air battles.  I'm one
of the mission planners for the Allied team and I have been using Dia with
great success designing battle maps to illustrate our plans.  This link (
http://il2.na85.ca/img/battleplans.png ) is a (fairly simple) sample map.

I think these pics show how versatile and flexible Dia can be, so feel free
to use these pics to show how much Dia rocks!


PS I tried to attach the pics but since they're in .png format they are
fairly large, so I figured it would be easier for you to download them.

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Hi Lars<br><br>Not sure if you are the person I should be emailing about this but hopefully you don&#39;t 
mind.<br><br>I just recently started using Dia for a project I&#39;m working on, and I&#39;ve found Dia to be 
a very helpful tool that has saved me a lot of work.&nbsp; This link ( <a 
href="http://il2.na85.ca/img/robocircuit.png";>http://il2.na85.ca/img/robocircuit.png</a> ) is a circuit 
diagram created in Dia that represents a complete electrical system for a robot I designed for my 4th-year 
undergraduate mechatronics course.<br>

<br>I also have found Dia to be very flexible and have been creating custom shapes based on US FM 1-02 
Operational Terms and Graphics.&nbsp; I play a combat flight simulator called IL2 Sturmovik and am currently 
competing in an &quot;online war&quot; known as Forgotten Skies.&nbsp; In this war two teams (Allies and 
Axis) battle eachother in semi-historical World War 2 air battles.&nbsp; I&#39;m one of the mission planners 
for the Allied team and I have been using Dia with great success designing battle maps to illustrate our 
plans.&nbsp; This link ( <a 
href="http://il2.na85.ca/img/battleplans.png";>http://il2.na85.ca/img/battleplans.png</a> ) is a (fairly 
simple) sample map.<br>
<br>I think these pics show how versatile and flexible Dia can be, so feel free to use these pics to show how 
much Dia rocks!<br><br>Nathan<br><br>PS I tried to attach the pics but since they&#39;re in .png format they 
are fairly large, so I figured it would be easier for you to download them.<br>


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