Re: java to dia ?



well basically what i wanted to do was create class diagrams using dia, do the asosiations, then convert the diagrams to java, or python, maybe even c++ or other languages.

i did this but i was not sure if it was doing it right, (i am new to java, less than 2 months, so im still getting into its syntax)

so to check my seld i wanted to take c++ or java code i had on my pc & covner it to dia class diagrams, hoping it would show the asosiations & all the relevent information.

i am doing a 3rd year CS project, air line charter software. so everything counts for marks.

for example. im not sure im using dia's comment feature properly, because when i generate code (java) it does not show "@param name - explenation" & "@return name - explenation"

other than that i love dia & dia2code, they are working great (except my document spans many pages & i cant shrink it with out exporting to png so i can print)

Aaron ill attach my dia code file if it will help you?

Dimitri Mallis

On 3/20/07, Aaron Trevena <aaron trevena gmail com> wrote:
On 17/03/07, Lars Clausen <lars raeder dk> wrote:
> On Sat, 2007-03-17 at 13:30 +0200, Dimitri Mallis wrote:
> > hi,
> >
> > i has anybody tried to use autodia or any other tool that makes dia
> > diagrams from java or c++?

Dimitri - have you reported your C++ problems to me? if so I'm sorry I
haven't looked at them yet, if not - please can you as I'm planning to
start work on version 3 of autodia which should include round-trip of
code to dia to code.

> > i have tried to use autodia but im not having much luck
> >
> I made an extension to AutoDIA that uses reflection to make diagrams
> from compiled Java code, but apparently it hasn't been maintained over
> changing versions of Java.  I probably will have little time to look at
> it, but it shouldn't be hard for somebody else to update.

Yes - Java isn't my bag - an updated version of your java magic would
be hugely appreciated :)



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