Re: DXF and arrows

On Wed, 2007-03-21 at 16:11 -0400, Ben Abbott wrote:
I came across dia when looking for a method to include a simple DXF  
file into LaTeX. My DXF file contains many polylines which are  
intended to be *closed* polygons. Dia is able to import the DXF fine  
(nice job to those who contributed).

However, when displayed the last face of the polygon displays an  
arrow. When exported to LaTeX using PGF macros, the arrows remain.

Is there a reason the arrows are present?

Is there a way to configure dia so that the arrows are not added?

I am able to select individual polylines and change their properties  
under the "Objects" menu. However, my drawing has hundreds of  
polylines. Selecting them one at a time and changing their individual  
properties isn't practical.

I'm happy to email the original DXF file, dia file, and LaTeX files  
to anyone who can help out.

It would be useful to have the files attached to a bug report at  Nobody has done much to the DXF importer in a
while.  It sounds like it's just creating the wrong object, though I
don't know anything about DXF, so I can't say how hard it is to figure
out the right one.  Fixing this is not merely a configuration matter,
some C coding is required.  It does sound like a bug to me.


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