Re: Can't open compressed file

On Mon, 2006-10-30 at 10:45 -0800, Eric wrote:
I've saved a dia file using the 'Compress diagram files' options but, once saved 
I can't reopen them.  I get the following error:

Error loading diagram /home/user/log_backup.dia.
Unknown file type.

If I save the file without the compression option I can open them fine.  Running 
file on the file I get the following file type:
$ file log_backup.dia
log_backup.dia: gzip compressed data, ASCII, extra field, encrypted

if I try to gunzip the file, I get
$ gunzip -S .dia log_backup.dia
gunzip: log_backup.dia is encrypted -- not supported

So apparently the file is encrypted but I don't see anything in the 
documentation about encryption.  Anyone have any ideas? I'm running Dia 0.95-1 
and I'm saving/opening using the same version.

Can't reproduce it from that description.  What system are you running
this on?  Anything special about the file system?  Can you attach an
example of such an ununzippable file?


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