Re: Dia VDX plug-in 0.7

Is it possible to use dia to sketch the foot print of a building? we
use visio for that all the time, and visio can auto calc square
footage of a building footprint can this be done in dia as well?

Sam Fourman Jr.

On 12/15/06, Ian Redfern <Ian Redfern logicacmg com> wrote:
 Version 0.7 of the Dia VDX plug-in can now be found at

 This version imports NURBS and fixes most of the text layout problems.

 The plug-in is now functionally complete - it is able to import and export
all visible parts of the sample diagrams I have. There are some remaining
issues with the quality of the diagrams produced, and how best to deal with
Visio features that Dia can't represent, so I expect there will be more
small patches.

 I'd be interested in feedback from anyone who's used it, and, as always,
I'd appreciate more real-world diagrams to try it against. Volunteers to try
reading exported VDXes in Visio are also very welcome.

 Ian Redfern.

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