Re: A small annoyance regarding 'paste'

I second you on this annoyance.

Yet another solution is to paste the object at the exact same coordinates of the copied object (in particular when pasting in another diagram). This is done for instance in ooffice presenter and is very efficient to produce animated sequences of slides.

To produce these animated sequences in dia one option is to use multiple layers and export only a subset thereof. But in some cases it simply seems more convenient to use several diagrams. copy/paste preserving position would help.

Another use of copy/paste preserving position is the ctrl- modifier for the move tool: move vert/horiz. If copy/paste pastes in place, it is easy to create aligned copies of elements without the need for the align tool (by the way, is there any documented logic about which elements move when aligning ?).


dia-list-request gnome org wrote:
Date: Fri, 25 Aug 2006 21:21:18 +0200
From: christian ridderstrom gmail com
Subject: A small annoyance regarding 'paste'
To: Dia-list gnome org
Message-ID: <Pine LNX 4 64 0608252111160 13859 black01 md kth se>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

I'd just like to share something I find annyoing with Dia. When I paste objects (using Ctrl-v), they appear somewhere up at the top left of my diagram. This usually results in me having to move the mouse a long distance in order to get the insert object to where it should be. Other drawing programs handle this differently, below are some alternatives to the current behaviour:

One simple solution is to insert the object at the location of the mouse at the time of the 'Ctrl-v'.

Another simple solution is to insert the object at the last location the user clicked on the screen.

A more advanced alternative is as follows and is useful/active when a user inserts an object, moves it a little bit, insert another object, moves it a little bit and then inserts a third object (and more). In this case, Dia could measure the distance between the last two inserted objects, and when inserting a third object, it is placed at a location that is relative to the last inserted object, offset a distance equal to the distance between the second last and the last object. (Hope you understand what I'm trying to say here...). The whole point of this is that it makes it very quick to insert many equidistantly spaced objects.


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