Re: Unimportant message?, Saving Line: ...

This bug is also reported in bug #334048.

The attached diagram was made with a "Flowchart . Document" and a "Standard 
- Line". 
The line was attached to the Document pointing to the to its  central 
conection point. 
If Dia is called from a terminal: 
 Whwn saving (or resaving) the diagram this message appears  
Saving line: Handle 1 (0x954bb44) on object 0x954ba70 has pos 11.549900, 
but its CP 0x954b940 of object 0x954b3a8 has pos 12.600000, 5.424975 
I don't think this message should appear. 
By  reading the diagram file and the message, I interpret that handle 1 of  
Line is connected to connection point number 16 of Document  
(main connection point;      pos  12.600000, 5.424975);  
but coordinates of the corresponding end point of Line refer to the visible 
end point of that Line  
(other connection point      pos 11.549900, 5.179960)  
Similar messages may appear while working to define svg-shapes even if there 
are no 
 main connection points.    
   If 1) I define a shape with a file xxx.shape  
      2) with Dia, I use the shape in a diagram; 
      3) I change coordinates of the file xxx.shape without changing its 
      4) with Dia, I load the diagram and resave it 
  Messages with differences may appear; even if differences are really small      
loli unsa edu ar

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