Re: dia "quits unexpectedly" on startup - no symbol table info available?

On Mon, 2005-09-26 at 18:09 -0700, gabrielle wrote:
Hello all.
I'm using dia on Fedora Core 3 + gnome desktop.  Recently, I started
getting the message "The Application "dia" has quit unexpectedly."
There is an option to restart, close, or inform the developers.  Restart
does nothing.  Close works. ;)  "Inform developers" creates a file that
starts with "Backtrace was generated from /usr/bin/dia."  (rest of it is

What I was doing before this started happening:  I'd been experimenting
with adding my own shapes & had that working successfully once.  The
next time I went to start dia, blam.  I tried moving my new shapes &
sheets somewhere else but that didn't solve the problem.

If somebody could help me figure out what to do next so I can get back
to my experiments, I'd appreciate it. :)

Sorry for not getting back to you earlier.

Try moving away ~/.dia/defaults.dia first (it will merely reset any
default settings for new objects to their default default values) and
then run Dia again (twice, to see that the new defaults written by the
first run can be read).  If an bad default value for your new shape has
caused the problems, this may cure it.  If this does cure it, please
open a bug report on Bugzilla and attach the defaults.dia file.

Second thing to try would be moving away the entire .dia directory.  If
that doesn't help, reinstallation may be required.


Lars Clausen <lars raeder dk>

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