Dia via CVS [was Re: Problem with G_INLINE_FUNC using microsoft compiler]

On 23.03.2005 12:03, clement begue wrote:
You are right, we use exactly the same compiler, so, I think the sources I downloaded may be broken. How do you download the sources from the cvs server directly, not using the snapshots? I searched a bit about soing such thing and I couldn't find any real help about it. The Bonsai or either the viewcvs interface does not offer to download all the files at once (or again, I didn't open my eyes), so, I really wonder how I am supposed to do.
The GIMP website has a good explanation, see:

Obviously you need to substitute gimp with dia, For windoze - but
with a command line cvs client - it boils down to something like:

set CVSROOT=:pserver:anonymous anoncvs gnome org:/cvs/gnome
cvs login
[empyt password]
cvs -z checkout dia

There are cvs clients available via http://www.wincvs.org/
If you could tell me how to download directly from CVS, it would be great, we could be talking about the same files...
We would be using almost the same source cause you would be using
anoncvs with read-only access but I'm using the central cvs
repository with having write-access. The anoncvs servers are
synced once a day to keep the lag small.

So, is it good to download the snapshots or not? What should we do to be sure to be working on the right sources?

The daily snapshots are usually good for people behind firewalls, thus
not able to use cvs. Because cvs does only transfer the differnces
after the first checkout it usually needs much less bandwidth than
downloading a whole new snapshot (cvs update).
I have done quite some years of Dia (and Gtk+) development with only
a 56K dial-up connection.


-------- Hans "at" Breuer "dot" Org -----------
Tell me what you need, and I'll tell you how to
get along without it.                -- Dilbert

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