Re: Problem with G_INLINE_FUNC using microsoft compiler

Hans Breuer a écrit :

On 21.03.2005 13:58, clement begue wrote:


libdia.def : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol

It seems like all the G_INLINE_FUNC functions in the geometry.h files
are ignored, I searched for those symbols in all the .obj files, and
they are nowhere to be found, so it can't link/write these functions in
It should work out of the box (and does for me compiled against recent
GLib cvs). Though there was some change needed, related and may exactly
what's breaking your build. Try replacing in geometry.c



#define G_INLINE_FUNC extern

It is still written this way in properties.c, as I saw it defined there, I
thought it was the same everywhere...
I didn't use the last Glib, so, there may be different definitions in the
last version, correcting this issue so that you don't need anymore to define
this, I'll try to see if it gets better with a newer version.

This is how it was before though it lloked suspicious to me ;)


-------- Hans "at" Breuer "dot" Org -----------
Tell me what you need, and I'll tell you how to
get along without it.                -- Dilbert

I also had some errors from interface.c,
lines 704 :       if (strncmp(tool_data[i].icon_data, "GdkP", 4) == 0) {
-> added [0] after .icon_data (had error of different indirection levels, the
address given this way should be the same than without [0], but the compiler
understands it fine
and same at line 707 :  p = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_inline(-1,
tool_data[i].icon_data[0], FALSE, NULL);

Is the microsoft compiler annoying on such things? I don't remeber that gcc
would forgive this kind of errors.


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