Re: File corruption when using dia 0.94 on windows and linux

Hi Hans, dia-list, 

I have now figured out what the real problem is:

On 6/19/05, Askadar <askadar gmail com> wrote:
On 6/18/05, Hans Breuer <hans breuer org> wrote:
Diagrams that have been edited on a Windows computer are corrupt once
I try to use them on Linux.  I get various error messages trying to
open the files, most of the time they still open but the shapes and
lines are all messed up, but I even have witnessed segmentation

Without either more specific bug description or a diagram which would
allow to reproduce the misbehaviour real diagnosis will be near

For some reason I am not able to reproduce this myself now. It's
possible that I accidently used the older version of dia (0.92.2) to
work on the diagrams before using version 0.94, possibly leading to
the errors (?). It would be a nice feature if dia would pop up a
warning message when trying to parse diagrams that are too new.

This is wrong, I did not mix the versions used. What happened is this:
While trying to reproduce the errors I changed my LANG environment
variable to "" so that I would get english error messages. Suddenly
everything worked. When working on the project a few hours later I did
not change the language, the errors reappeared. A/usr/local/bin/dia -e
testfall_shell.eps -t eps testfall.dia

gain changing the language solved the problem. 

On Suse (german install) the default is:

askadar rincewind:~> env | grep LANG

This seems to be a bug, but I don't have a gnome bugzilla account...

Another question, what method is used for eps export when using

/usr/local/bin/dia -e testfall_shell.eps -t eps testfall.dia

? I expected it to use Latin-1 fonts (I need this for LaTeX pstricks),
but found out that it did not work:

askadar rincewind:~/Desktop/swt/uni> grep TEST testfall_gui_latin.eps
(TEST STRING) 9.450000 5.900000 m gs 1 -1 sc sh gr
askadar rincewind:~/Desktop/swt/uni> grep TEST testfall_gui_pango.eps
askadar rincewind:~/Desktop/swt/uni> grep TEST testfall_shell.eps

This was quite annoying since I could not automatically export all
diagrams at once, but had to manually do it via the gui.


Attachment: testfall.dia
Description: application/dia-diagram

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