Re: Feedback wanted: Autogap and mainpoints

Lars Clausen wrote:

As avid users of CVS HEAD may have noticed, we have switched back and
forth between two modes of connection recently:  One where any line can
be connected to any object by dragging the end anywhere within the
object (let's call this autograb), and one where there's a visible
mainpoint (in red) that connects lines such that they go to the edge
only (let's call this mainpoints).  I'd like to hear some opinions on
how to make one solution that works for everyone (or at least as many as
possible).  Here's a couple suggestions for improvement:

To be sure I/others understand well the terms:

Do you agree on these statements  ?
- Autograb is a GUI trick which connects a line endpoint to the central connection point (called mainpoint) of a object when the endpoint of the line is dropped anywhere in the object. - Autogap (called mainpoints behavior in your mail) can be activated for a line endpoint connected to a central CP of an object. Its effect is to cut the line at the object border as if the object has a fill color and is on top of the line. (similar/adapted behaviour for other curves).
- They are not contradictory.
- Autograb is not contradictory with the usage of border connection points. It is not even contradictory w/ having a line ending in the body (interior/not middle) of an object. It is only contradictory to reaching this state by moving the endpoint (granted (1) below is on and moving an object does not autograb).

1. With autograb, make moving the whole line not do autograb.  Only when
the end of the line is moved is there autograb.

2. With autograb, make lines with all ends entirely contained within an
object not do autograb on that object.

3. With autograb, if moving from a connection point on an object to
somewhere else within that object, it doesn't autograb.
-1 it complicates the semantics which are already getting complicated. It makes the behaviour dependant on the origin of movement not only on what is moved and the destination.

4. Have a toggle button like the grid button that switches between
autograb and mainpoint behaviour (can be combined with the other two).

I don't understand. I would make it toggle autograb on/off (autograb/autogap are orthogonal). The modification tool could have this option if there was tool options ( are there tool options ?? ).

5. Have mainpoint/autograb be toggleable on an object-by-object basis
(can also be combined with the first two, makes less sense with toggle
I would keep autogap a line/curve property.
Maybe an object property saying "all lines/curves connected to my mainpoint must autogap" would be nice too (it fits my usage better). Then two alternatives arise: * only the line property is meaningfull, the effect of the object property is to force/set the line property. * they exist in parallel with a don'tcare option and/or overriding (e.g object is overriding individual lines, or line override object unless line is don'tcare) I like this last one better.


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