[Fwd:] Re: Adding a new diagram type (ORM plug-in)?

Haven't heard of ORM before, and I've certainly not heard of anyone
working on it.  The best sources are the sources (*grin*) and the Dia
TWiki (http://faemalia.org/wiki/view/Technical/DiaEditor).  You should be
aware of the difference between shapes and objects, shapes are very easy
to create, but very limited in functionality.  You can mix the two in a

Making new objects involves a fair amount of boilerplate (ought to make
something that can generate it:), but there's very little that takes
actual though, mostly the drawing part where you have to calculate margins
and other stuff as needed.

Looking at some samples (http://www.orm.net/pdf/ORMwhitePaper.pdf), I
don't see any major problems in implementing this.  You'll want to look at
the movable text label (see the FS lines).  The fact boxes will need a bit
of work -- if you want arbitrarily many fact connections, it'll be a
little tricky (need PROP_LIST), but if you just want two or three facts,
it can be hardcoded with the little arrows, connection points etc.

One warning:  Do not look to the UML Class object for inspiration, it is

 Thanks for the tips, I have already started playing around and thought a
 good place to start would be to copy sybase as an orm sheet with three
 figures (just renamed existing sybase figure files).
 I have added orm code in :
 I run ./autogen.sh, ./configure and make.
 I seem to see the actual plugins being built in objects (no sybase or
 orm), all builds ok, no errors and only see sybase as a tab with the
 icons. I was hoping to see orm tab... I must be missing something, but
 not sure what. Ideas?

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