Re: WIndows version compared with Linux

Chris Green schrieb:
I didn't think dia used the X fonts but maybe it does.

Did you find any font files in dia installation :-)?

I'm not sure how to install new fonts on Slackware, that's my basic
problem.  "man -k font" doesn't produce anything useful that I can

man pages are command line related, only a few pages refer to graphical things. Try

or run "font +slackware" in google :-) (83.400 results)

I run my Linux desktop on an X server on my Windows system (cygwin/X)
but only the Linux box's fonts seem to be available to dia.

That's for sure. The X-Server runs on Linux Box and renders the information to the X-Client on Windows. So nothing is known about Windows' fonts to X-Server.

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