WIndows version compared with Linux

I decided to try the Windows version of dia 0.94 to see if the fonts
worked any better on my HP deskjet printer.  My immediate reactions

    Right click on the background doesn't do anything in Windows.

    Since I have a bigger selection of fonts I'm more likely to get
    something that looks as I want (Letter Gothic works well).

    It crashes if you try more than about three different fonts in

    The page layout is wonky.  I have a diagram which looks centred on
    the blue page lines on screen but it prints out way off the centre
    of the page.

If I could get better fonts the Linux version works better for me, how
can I add fonts to the Linux version?  In particular can I get
something like Letter Gothic in Linux?

Chris Green (chris areti co uk)

    "Never ascribe to malice, that which can be explained by incompetence."

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