Re: WIndows version compared with Linux

Chris Green schrieb:

If I could get better fonts the Linux version works better for me, how
can I add fonts to the Linux version?  In particular can I get
something like Letter Gothic in Linux?

On SuSE Linux I just import them automatically into X-Server (via Control Center or YaST). Maybe read some documentation of your distribution?! If you're running a windows license you're allowed to use even TTF's on Linux, via symbolic links (and no copying) you even don't break any licensing rules. Otherwise look ""; (german) for free fonts or treat google the right way. (Some distributions include a lot of free fonts.)

After importing, installing, whatever, dia can use the available fonts. [funky item in drop down list of property menu provides more than only sans, serif and monospaced :-), makes a cute font choosing dialog. ]

Was this the answer to the last part of your question?


I think it's not enough to just link windows' font-directory or it's content into a linux directory. Some conversion must be done, I'm not an expert but there is a funny progress bar when importing fonts, lot of status messages, that sort of thing. (Everything on SuSE Linux)

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