[Fwd: Dia & associative entities in ER diagrams]

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-----Forwarded Message-----
From: Georg Lothar Thimm (Asst Prof) <MGEORG ntu edu sg>
To: alla lysator liu se
Subject: Dia & associative entities in ER diagrams
Date: 12 Mar 2004 08:43:11 +0800

Dear Alexander,

yet another addition to the ER models: entities can now be associative.
modifications are limited to objects/ER/entity.c

Hope this is usefull to others.


Georg Thimm, Dr (Assistant Prof.)      Nanyang Technological University 
Email: mgeorg ntu edu sg               School of MPE, 50 Nanyang Ave.
Tel: +65 6790 4415                     Singapore 639798
WWW: www.drc.ntu.edu.sg/users/mgeorg
 Alexander Larsson                                            Red Hat, Inc 
                   alexl redhat com    alla lysator liu se 
He's a sword-wielding chivalrous barbarian with a secret. She's a wealthy 
hypochondriac archaeologist in the witness protection program. They fight 

Attachment: entity.c
Description: entity.c

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