Re: How to Pronounce Dia?

Le Wed, Aug 18, 2004, à 09:34:11AM -0500, Jim Clark a écrit:

   I've enjoyed the comments on this. I have had to explain to several people
   my tool for creating the flowcharts I now have to make. Thus I find myself
   saying "I downloaded a tool called Dee-ah, or um Die-ah, I'm not
   certain....well, umm, uh, anyway, it looks as if it will do precisely what
   I need...blah blah" So from now on I proudly and firmly say Die-ah! (On
   Linn-ucks, by the way.) Wouldn't want to tread on any Celtic deities.

   And another question. I am required to use certain colors in all graphics
   and I spent some time yesterday placing them in my palette. Today they are
   all gone. Is it possible to change the default colors or create another
   palette? I was somewhat disappointed when I saw they disappeared.

As far as I know, we are using the standard gtk colour palette, and I don't
think we're adding frills to it. I can see how this problem can be common;
while I don't have a solution, I suspect that if it exists, it can be
handled through some .gtkrc magic.

------ a little while later -----

Yup; google for "gtk-color-palette settings", you may be lucky today.

----- off topic -----

Oh, by the way, you're probably not working for IBM-legal, but cheers!
anyway. Your guys let me enjoy a very fine 100-page stack of legalese.

        -- Cyrille


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