dia-uml.xsl 2 allEverything

Im sniffing and messing around with the .xsl plugins
to produce .php code and .sql ddl from a dia file,
touchin the existent .xsl, but Im very begginer user
of that tools and standars.
For example, I didn't note explicit suppor for index
keys to generate then in sql or foreign key/primary
key for generating code. So I thing that there is any
kind of consensus about use of UML's properties and
operations for that things. I see various scripts and
xsl's but I reach to the conclusion that there is no
standard but a kind of procedures, tied to the
script/xsl itself. For example one use operations in
place of explicit indication of keys, and the type of
attribute "protected" indicates that it is part of a
primary key.
So, Is there any kind of general/basic info about the
mix dia/uml/xsl (apart from dia mail-list and wiki,
already sniffed) ?

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